Ancillary Equipment

​Lower your maintenance cost with Johnston's durable designs to customize each system to maximize your savings. Every System is designed to save you money.​​​​​


- Maximum 02 of .005 cc/l and zero C02​
- Designed, constructed, and stamped for Section VIII, Division I, Unfired Pressure Vessel
- Ten year warranty on pressure vessel and internals
- 1/16″ Corrosion allowance is designed into each pressure vessel
- All undeaerated sections are constructed using stainless steel internals
- Stainless steel tray bundles incorporate riveted design allowing for thermal expansion

Series 200 Deaerator

Series 200​

Two Stage Spray Type Deaerator

- 20:1 turndown
- Reduces corrosion in boilers, pumps, and pipes

Series 240 & 250 Deaerator

Series 240​ & 250

Two Stage Tray Type Deaerator

- Suitable for high pressure returns
- Minimal steam requirements over 100:1 turndown

Series 285

Series 285

Tray Type Deaerator and High Pressure Condensation Return

- High pressure condensate is returned directly to the boiler.
- Deaerator section is only used as make-up water is needed.

Series 550

Series 550

Continuous Blowoff Heat Recovery

- Uses continuous blowoff from the boiler to preheat make-up water
- Returns flash steam back to the deaerator

Series 557

Series 557

Intermittent Blowoff Tank

- Pre-cools condensate prior to drain
- Mixes stored condensate with blowdown to minimize cooling water requirements

Series 550

Series 285

Tray Type Deaerator and High Pressure Condensation Return

- Maintains BTU value of high pressure returns
- Feed condensate to the boiler directly
- Lower Delta T between condensate return and boiler operating temperature
- Suitable for high pressure returns